Jumat, 10 Mei 2019

Musical Time: Let's Learning!

Music has been part of my life since I was young,
Everyday I wake up with music and also go to bed with music,
Just like an air to breath, so does the meaning of music for me.

Want to know more about jazz music? Subscribe Musica Altera on Youtube.
Check this one out. Enjoy the music and the talk show! =)

Title: Spectrum of The Unknown
Videographer & Editor: Donny Widyatmoko (Edit ver. 2019)
Host, Pianist: Reynold Silalahi (@lalagrug)
Guest: Beben Jazz
English Subtitle: Ayu Saptarika (@ayuliqui)
Video Purpose: Musical inspiration and education
Youtube Chanel: Musica Altera

Ngelmu iku kalakone kanthi laku,
Lekase lawan kas,
Tegese kas nyantosani,
Setya budya pangekese durangkara. 

Ilmu itu bisa dipahami harus dengan cara,
Cara pencapaiannya dengan usaha keras, 
Memperkokoh karakter,
Kokohnya karakter akan menjauhkan diri dari watak angkara.

- Serat Wulangreh, by Sri Susuhan Pakubuwono IV (1768-1820)

You Are The CEO of Your Life. Never Stop Learning!

Leave The Past Where It Belongs. Move Forward As You Desire.
All photo by: Jeffrey Sukardi (@jeffsukardi)

Kamis, 09 Mei 2019

3 ON 3 : The Flashback and All

3 ON 3, Penulis: Ayu Saptarika;
Penerbit: Indie Book Corner, Yogyakarta

3 ON 3

Sandrina, Jena, dan Thania adalah tiga orang sahabat karib. Saat SMA, Sandrina dikenalkan pada dua orang teman baru di pesta ulang tahun kedua sahabatnya. Dua teman baru itu bernama Adrian dan Martin. Perkenalan ini berlanjut pada pertemuan berikutnya yang melibatkan satu lagi sahabat Adrian dan Martin yang sombong,“Si Entah Siapa”.
Tiga lelaki tersebut dikenal playboy. Tak heran, hubungan Adrian dan Thania berakhir kurang menyenangkan. Trio Arjuna gadungan melanjutkan kuliah di Amerika. Meskipun tahun 2000an adalah era teknologi yang mudah berkirim pesan elektronik, kehidupan tiga Arjuna gadungan dan Sandrina saling terpisah.
Sifat teguh hati Sandrina adalah warisan dari kakak tertua oma kandungnya, Tarida Carolina. Di tahun 1950an, Ida memiliki karir bersinar. Ia bekerja di perusahaan penjual alat berat pimpinan pengusaha rupawan keturunan Tionghoa bernama Hector Santoso. Ida berhasil menemukan cinta dan kesuksesan bersama Hector. Tragisnya, Hector lebih memilih uang.
Di sela-sela kesibukan Sandrina dewasa yang gemar berpetualang, tanpa diduga ia bertemu kembali dengan ‘Si Entah Siapa’. Pemuda itu bernama Atilla Siahaan yang kini berbalik mengejarnya.  

Berhasilkah Atilla mendapatkan cinta Sandrina?
Mungkinkah pertemuan tiga sahabat lelaki dan tiga sahabat perempuan ini adalah takdir sekaligus karma yang ingin menyapa?

Judul Buku : 3 ON 3
Penulis: Ayu Saptarika (Instagram: @ayuliqui)

Penerbit: Indie Book Corner, Yogyakarta
Tebal Halaman: 305
ISBN:   978.602.309.374.8
Harga: Rp 98.000,00
Intellectual Property Right Owner: Ayu Saptarika (Record No. 000137456)

THE FLASHBACK : Meet Tarida and Hector in 1950

THE ALL : Today Millennial Generation and Their Grandpa Grandma History

Writer, Director: Ayu Saptarika (@ayuliqui)
Illustrator : Vanesha Febrilly , William Harsono
Motiongrapher: William Harsono
Story : "3 ON 3" by Ayu Saptarika,  ISBN : 9786023093748

Don't be afraid to MAKE YOUR OWN MAGIC!

Photographer: Jeffrey Sukardi (@jeffsukardi.on.monochrome; @jeffsukardi)
Model, Stylist, Art Director: Ayu Saptarika
Year : April 2019

All video and photo creation are tribute to my book "3 ON 3". Follow my Instagram @ayuliqui for more exciting images, travel story, and blog post.

Dream Doesn't Work Unless You Do. Never Give Up!

About The Author

Maria Ayu Saptarika Liqui SE., MM.,
telah memulai karir menulis sejak tahun 2007. Pernah bergabung dalam team penulis dan stylist majalah Cosmopolitan Indonesia dan ELLE Indonesia sampai tahun 2010. Hingga kini, beragam artikel kecantikan, mode, ulasan jalan-jalan, hiburan, dan marketing, dalam bahasa Indonesia serta bahasa Inggris telah dipublikasikan di berbagai majalah, koran, media online, blog Kompasiana (https://www.kompasiana.com/aytravel) dan blog pribadi penulis (https://maria-ayu.blogspot.co.id/).

Sejak kecil Ayu sangat menyukai seni, musik, dan bahasa. Traveling dan fotografi turut menjadi kesukaanya. Ayu belajar piano privat saat usia 5 tahun lalu melanjutkan di sekolah musik klasik Yayasan Pendidikan Musik (YPM) dan lulus tahun 2003. Ayu juga bergabung dalam team Marching Band Korps Putri Tarakanita Jakarta dan bersama team SMU. Tarakanita berhasil meraih juara 1 nasional divisi sekolah pada Grand Prix Marching Band Indonesia tahun 2002.

Selain aktif menulis, saat ini Ayu bekerja sebagai Business Solution untuk perusahaan penyedia jasa telekomunikasi. Ayu adalah putri dari Ir. Paul August Liqui MSc. MM., peraih Yamaha Electone Festival South East Asia Champion, tahun 1971 yang juga berkarya di Perusahan Listrik Negara.

Ikuti Instagram penulis untuk menikmati foto dan video panduan traveling di: @ayuliqui .

Minggu, 14 April 2019

3 ON 3: The Encounter

Sandrina, Jena, dan Thania adalah tiga orang sahabat karib. Saat SMA, Sandrina dikenalkan pada trio Playboy bernama Adrian, Martin, dan "Si Entah Siapa" yang sombong di pesta ulang tahun kedua sahabatnya.

Trio playboy melanjutkan kuliah di Amerika. Sandrina dan kedua sahabatnya kuliah di Indonesia. Kehidupan mereka saling terpisah. Di sela-sela rutinitas Sandrina dewasa, "Si Entah Siapa" tanpa diduga muncul kembali. Kini, ia mengejar cinta Sandrina. Berhasilkah ia mendapatkan cintanya?

Follow My Instagram: @ayuliqui #3ON3Ayu

Story & Art Director: Ayu Saptarika
Illustration: William Harsono
Motion Grapher: William Harsono

Book Tittle : 3 ON 3 
Writer : Ayu Saptarika
ISBN : 978.602.309.374.8 
Price, Language : Rp 98.000,-; Indonesian (305 pages)


Sometimes you have to believe in magic...  Photographer: Jeffrey Sukardi @jeffsukardi

Senin, 18 Maret 2019

3 ON 3: Prolog From A Lover


Walking down the crowded road
Seeing people from head to toe
I saw the eyes without sorrow
Staring deeply but freaking me not

Stepping forward and crossing the street
Hearing a man arguing what lies beneath
Traveling around to know what is this
Then setting a plan to begin a new story

Splitting the street form humble birds of noon
Wearing comfort shoes enjoying my rendezvous
Questioning my self when will I say I do
And the answer is on the day when I saw you

Alexandra Sandrina, 3 ON 3

Creative Director & Writer: Ayu Saptarika (IG: @ayuliqui)
Illustrator: Vanesha Febrilly (IG: @vnshrly)
Motiongrapher: William Harsono(IG: @lumin0us_r4re)

Book: 3 ON 3
ISBN: 978.602.309.374.8
Language: Bahasa Indonesia (305pages)
Publisher: Indie Book Corner - Yogyakarta
Intellectual Property Rights Owner: Ayu Saptarika (Record No. 000137456)
Photographer: Jeffrey Sukardi (@jeffsukardi)

Last Night I Had a Dream.
I Had an Affair.
Not With You but, With My Books.

Jumat, 08 Februari 2019

3 ON 3 - 2019 NEW LOOK!

3 ON 3 by Ayu Saptarika, 2019

Sandrina, Jena, dan Thania adalah tiga orang sahabat karib. Saat SMA, Sandrina dikenalkan pada dua orang teman baru di pesta ulang tahun kedua sahabatnya. Dua teman baru itu bernama Adrian dan Martin. Perkenalan ini berlanjut pada pertemuan berikutnya yang melibatkan satu lagi sahabat Adrian dan Martin yang sombong,“Si Entah Siapa”.
Tiga lelaki tersebut dikenal playboy. Tak heran, hubungan Adrian dan Thania berakhir kurang menyenangkan. Trio Arjuna gadungan melanjutkan kuliah di Amerika. Meskipun tahun 2000an adalah era teknologi yang mudah berkirim pesan elektronik, kehidupan tiga Arjuna gadungan dan Sandrina saling terpisah.
Sifat teguh hati Sandrina adalah warisan dari kakak tertua oma kandungnya, Tarida Carolina. Di tahun 1950an, Ida memiliki karir bersinar. Ia bekerja di perusahaan penjual alat berat pimpinan pengusaha rupawan keturunan Tionghoa bernama Hector Santoso. Ida berhasil menemukan cinta dan kesuksesan bersama Hector. Tragisnya, Hector lebih memilih uang.
Di sela-sela kesibukan Sandrina dewasa yang gemar berpetualang, tanpa diduga ia bertemu kembali dengan ‘Si Entah Siapa’. Pemuda itu bernama Atilla Siahaan yang kini berbalik mengejarnya.  

Berhasilkah Atilla mendapatkan cinta Sandrina?
Mungkinkah pertemuan tiga sahabat lelaki dan tiga sahabat perempuan ini adalah takdir sekaligus karma yang ingin menyapa?

Judul Buku : 3 ON 3
Penulis: Ayu Saptarika (Instagram: @ayuliqui)
Penerbit: Indie Book Corner, Yogyakarta
Tebal Halaman: 305
ISBN:   978.602.309.374.8
Harga: Rp 98.000,00

Be The 1st Reader, ORDER HERE!

I Wish You Have a Nice Reading Time! 

Walk With Me!

An activity to refresh the mind,
But why some people often ignore it?
In the name of busy, luxury, in the name of what ever it is...

Most important thing in life, not just to walk forward,
It is to do the thing that you LOVE,
And you will feel 24H is a blessing,
No regret, no sad face,
Heart full of joy, laugh, and happiness!

Let's walk with me!
One Small Step Is A Start to Have A Million Miles Journey
Tell Me Your Story, and I will Listen
In silence, I walk, listen to the rhythm of life,
Thousands steps, thousands goals ,
Thousands happiness, thousands sadness,
Thousands guilt, Thousands failures,
Thousands forgiveness, and surely thousands hope!

Don't be envy to others,
Because life is different for each others,
Smile! Tell Me That You Love Your Life
When It's Rain, You Can Stay Under My Umbrella
I had walked, and also ran,
Both in silence and between the crowd,
Had good times, listen to my heart,
The sounds came up in peaceful mind,

How people can express LOVE to others,
if they don't know how to love them self,
Knowing yourself, LOVE yourself,
Key to paradise

Paradise is never far, no need to wait 'til past away,
It is here, inside each people heart,
It is when you feel the great happiness, forgive all heartaches
And share the happiness to others...

Life Is Full of Surprise

Be Happy! Do The Things That You Love For The Rest of Your Life.

You don't need to understand it now,
Put yourself in silence,
Learn to love yourself,
It takes time, but you will understand.

Photographer: Jeffrey Sukardi (@jeffsukardi)
Writer: Ayu Saptarika (@ayuliqui)

Oriental Rhapsody

Boen Tek Bio, Pasar Lama-Tangerang. Source: Private Doc.
Do you believe in coincidence?
What I believe, all had been set from Thy. 
"Let it be done unto me according to Your word," 

Last year, I met a friend who wrote a book 'Guardian of Traditions' (written by P.J. Leo, 2017). He is a journalist and photographer from one of the leading media in Indonesia. He introduced me to this place, an amazing place in Tangerang, specifically at Pasar Lama (Old Market). Our friendship still continue until today. He made me curious about the place and I am so glad this wonderful place located only 30-45 minutes from my office at Alam Sutera.

Now, I explore it. Follow me & see how fun it is!
Walk With Me. I Love The Dragon Pillar. Source: Private Doc.
Known as industrial city, many people think Tangerang is such a far and a dusty place; a place with a lot of factory outskirt of Jakarta. Well, it is not all wrong. Surprisingly, Tangerang has it own 'hidden pearl'. The beautiful history of Chinese people who lives here along Cisadane River since long time ago. Those people has an antique praying palace which had been stood more than 300 years old.

Sundanese history bible "Tina Layang Parahyangan"mentioned there was a Chinese troopers which lead by Tjen Tjie Lung (Halung) arrived at Teluk Naga in 1407. They were about to leave Jayakarta, but unfortunately the ships had broken and also ran out of food. They settled down at Teluk Naga then became a laborer, merchandiser, and farmer.

Halung is a Manchurian, from Qing Dynasty. Thus, this Dynasty ruled China for 300 years (1644-1912). Until today, the descendant of Qing Dynasty is still remain, not in China but in Indonesia along Cisadane river, we call this people 'Cina Benteng'.
Writer at The Front Yard of Temple. Source: Private Doc.
Writer at "Pintu Kesusilaan", Boen Tek Bio. Source: Private Doc.
Cina Benteng people has darker skin and not all of them living wealthy. Most of them become a farmer, laborer, and shop owner at market Pasar Lama. Although they are having a very modest life, they do have few great places to praise the Lord.

There are 3 Buddhist temples around Cisadane river: Boen Tek Bio, Boen San Bio, and Boen Han Bio. The oldest is Boen Tek Bio (Boen= Literature, Tek = Wisdom, Bio = Place to Pray) which built in 1684. Boen Tek Bio is a must visited place because its antique oriental architecture and decoration. You must see it!

To reach Boen Tek Bio, you must walk 10-15 minutes inside Pasar Lama. Mind your steps because the road is narrow and watery after rain. But, when you reach this temple you will be amazed by its grace! The temple area is quite huge even the front main gate gives the reverse interpretation. Walk in to the right side, enter from "Pintu Kesusilaan" (The Polite Gate) and straight to inside.
In Front of Praying Room. Source: Private Doc.
In mid area, you will see the beautiful Chinese old calligraphy hanging on the red porcelain wall and surrounded with many praying rooms with numbers. Further inside, you will meet Vihara Padumuttara. It has 2 gates; an antique red door that connect to the market and a green yellow red dragon gate which built in 1976 in front of Vihara.

Not far from the temple you can also visit 'Benteng Heritage' The Heritage Museum of Tangerang Chinese Community. Here, you can see many wonderful antiques and historical Chinese stuff. Please be mind, no photo allowed at the museum.
In Front of Chinese Calligraphy. Source: Private Doc.
Vihara Main Gate, Est 1976. Source: Private Doc. 
Knock Knock Knock'in On Heaven's Door. Source: Private Doc.
After explored the temple and museum, I continued my journey by walked around in the market. Celebrating Chinese New Year 2019, currently the market looks exciting with tons of red gold Chinese ornaments and decorations. Traditional Chinese cakes and food is also can be found in almost every corner. Try its distinguish taste!

I saw moslem merchandiser and buyer here as well. They respect each other and do look happy in diversity as it is also our country slogan "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" (unity in diversity). FYI, this is a people market, very modest with narrow road. I hope you are okay to do blusukan! Haha.. 
Let's Go Blusukan to Explore The Market, No Need to Be Gengsi! Source: Private Doc.
Horay! I Found a Nice Decoration! Source: Private Doc.
If you wish to stay until evening time, you can do fun walk at Cisadane river banks and enjoy the view of Tangerang. At night, many restaurants will be opened near the pedestrian areas. Various cuisine from Chinese to local Indonesian will be ready to serve you 'till late. All I can say, this area truly bring wonderful color in Tangerang City. Have fun and Happy Chinese New Year 2019!

For more complete story, visit my Kompasiana Blog (this article become the Headline):
Eksotika Oriental di Kota Tangerang

Location: Boen Tek Bio, Pasar Lama-Tangerang
Photographer: Jeffrey Sukardi (@jeffsukardi)
Writer: Ayu Saptarika (@ayuliqui)
Dress: Artea Batik Tulis Semarang (@arteabatik), Agnala by Tessa Fedilla (@fedillatessa)


Musical Time: Let's Learning!

Music has been part of my life since I was young, Everyday I wake up with music and also go to bed with music, Just like an a...